Ignition Hazard Assessment
- Voltage Arcs
- Hot Surfaces
- Electrostatic Discharges (Brush Discharge, Transitional Brush Discharge, Propagating Brush Discharge)
- Composite “Edge Glow”
- Laser Ignition
- Unknown Novel Ignition Mechanism Assessment
Energy Measurement
Proven methods can be customized to measure the energy of standard voltage arc energy sources in order to determine energies of individual arcs. These energy measurement techniques enable the user to calibrate their voltage arc sources, determine statistical distribution of test methods, and reduce overall conservatism while providing traceable quantification of their systems.
Aerospace Compliance
- AC 25.981-2A Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction Compliance
- AC 25.981-1D Fuel Tank Ignition Source Prevention Compliance
- AC 25.954-1 Transport Airplane Fuel System Lightning Protection Compliance
- AC 25.975-1 Fuel Vent Fire Protection Compliance